Welcome to Global Woman Magazine
If you have been selected for an interview with Global Woman Magazine, congratulations. This means, your interview/ article will be published in our website www.globalwomanmagazine.com and it will be shared across our Global Woman platform including Lobby, Lounge and social media.
Please complete the form below!
This form will help us to gather the information we need to prepare for the interview. It will take approximately 4 min.

1. Full Name *

2. Email Address  *

3. Phone Number  *

4. Organisation *

5.What does your organisation do? *

6.Which of these topics do you cover? *

 Public speaking
 Other  (If Other what?)

7. Please provide the links for the social media *

8. We will be publishing your full interview into our member’s Portal - Would you like to join for £50 a year.  Join Here

9. Would you like to speak at the Global Woman Summit Apply Here

10. You will automatically be added to our Global Woman list so we keep you updated for your interview and other activities. If you'd like to opt out, please email me at pa@globalwomanclub.com*

I understand
As seen in the media:
What they say about Global Woman Club